Albion College

Math/CS 299/399

Colloquium in Mathematics and Computer Science I & II

Fall 2021

Introductory Essay

Video Overview

I've created a Video Overview. For some reason, the audio drops out and returns late in the video.


The goals of this assignment are for you to reflect on your previous mathematical or computer-related experiences. In particular, what positive experiences have you had with mathematics or computer science that have influenced you to further study these subjects? It also serves as a exercise in learning LaTeX (299) or recalling how to use LaTeX (399). Use a simple article style for your latex document. Contact me if you have questions on the use of LaTeX.

Seek help as soon as you are experiencing difficulty with this assignment.
Do not wait until the deadline to seek help!


299 and 399: Stylized name

(5 points) Express your name creatively using the special and mathematical symbols available to you in LaTeX. For example, here is one way to express my name:

stylized name

Which is created in LaTeX using the following code:

$\mathcal{D}\alpha\vec{\rm v}$\i $\partial$ $\Lambda$. $\mathbb{R}e^i$\raisebox{-.3ex}{\footnotesize\Scorpio}\textcircled{a}n$^2$

You can simplify some things in LaTeX by using macros. Here is an example that creates a macro called \myName that contains my name in special symbols and then uses it in a centered line.

\newcommand{\myName}{% $\mathcal{D}\alpha\vec{\rm v}$\i $\partial$ $\Lambda$.~$\mathbb{R}e^i$\raisebox{-.3ex}{\footnotesize\Scorpio}\textcircled{a}n$^2$} \begin{center} \myName \end{center}

Consider using this format of your name in the title of the document for this assignemnt (or others on this course).

Have fun and be creative!


Write about one of the following topics based on the course you are taking.

Math/CS 299: Memorable mathematics or computer science experience

(10 points) Write a brief essay (100-250 words) using LaTeX on one of your most memorable positive experiences learning mathematics or computer science. Was there another person involved (perhaps a teacher)? What math or CS did you learn? Why was this memorable? Where and when did this happen? How did that experience influence you to further study that subject? This could be from a college course, a high school or grade school course, or an extracurricular activity. Include some mathematical symbols, code blocks, or other LaTeX features in the body of your essay (not just an add-on at the end).

See the TeX-Os handout for common LaTeX issues you should avoid.

Math/CS 399: Favorite theorem or Algorithm

(10 points)Restate a favorite mathematical theorem and include a proof, or describe a favorite computational algorithm and give a justification on why the algorithm produces the desired result. Explain why you choose this theorem or algorithm.

If you are writing about a favorite theorem, two components are required for this component of the assignment:

  1. Restate a favorite mathematical theorem. Clearly define any variables.
  2. Give a proof.
  3. Use LaTeX's theorem environment as follows: \begin{theorem}[NameOfTheorem] State theorem here. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Give proof here. \end{proof} This theorem and proof come from Reimann~\cite{Reimann}.
  4. Write a paragraph why this theorem interests you.
  5. See Overleaf's Theorems and proofs page for additional information on the Theorem environment.

If you are writing about a favorite computational algorithm, two components are required for this component of the assignment:

  1. Restate computational algorithm. Clearly define any variables. This could be expressed using text, pseudocode, or a specific programming language.
  2. Give a brief justification on why the algorithm produces the desired result.
  3. It is OK to copy from a book as long as you cite the source using BibTeX. Use one of LaTeX's environments. See Overleaf's Algorithms page for additional information on options for typesetting algorithms.
  4. Write a paragraph why this algorithm interests you.

Kevin Knudson and Evelyn Lamb have a podcast series where they have interviewed contemporary mathematicians about their favoritive theorems called My Favorite Theorem. They have completed roughly 50 interviews so far; all are available as audio and have been transcribed. At least two of these episodes feature speakers who have given colloquium talks at Albion!


Email your instructor a pdf of your paper that contains your stylized name followed by the other component.

Use 1 inch margins. You can do this by placing the following code in the preamble (above \begin{document}).

\usepackage[letterpaper, portrait, margin=1in]{geometry}


  1. De-TeX-ify
  2. LaTeX Wikibook.
  3. The (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX2e